Thu. May 9th, 2024

Free Computers/WiFi

Please contact us if you are in need, or know of people in need of a laptop and/or WiFi connectivity.

Email us at:

If we can identify the need for technology we can help get equipment to those who need them.

We want to help students, Seniors and others to keep people informed and with the tools to improve their lives and help us improve the world for everyone.

To try to get a free computer on your own see below (click below):

Good alternatives to laptops computers are Chromebooks.


Chromebooks runs the Google Chrome operating system which is very secure and boots up very quickly. They vary in price costing around $200.

It is based on LINUX making it more secure than Windows and very robust.

The desktop environment is very easy to use and is very good for online content such as online classes or just web surfing.

It uses Google Docs for word processing, will not run Microsoft software such as Word, however you will be able to read, edit and create Word  docx files as well as pdf and other popular formats.

    Raspberry Pi

The Raspberry Pi is a very small but powerful, mini-computer. The newest model, Raspberry Pi 4, has 4 cores and 2 GB of RAM.

It runs on special version on LINUX, called Raspberian, as its Operating System which has a very good user friendly desktop environment.

It is designed for students so it has build in a lot of cool applications, like the popular and powerful, programming language, Python as well as the fun, educational game creating environment, Minecraft.

It only cost about $35 but that price is misleading since you will need a usb mouse, keyboard, 5V power supply and HDMI capable monitor.

You may have a small LCD TV already, with an HDMI connector so it can be used with the Raspberry Pi, making this as a bargain for a powerful computer. See our “Raspberry Pi” page for more info on the Raspberry Pi and a view of our Raspberry Pi “laptop” we made with old, recycled parts.

Another alternative is to buy a used computer on ebay, they have some good deals but you need to compare with new prices and the above alternatives.

Let us know if you need a computer or WiFi access so we can get our team to help. Email mail us on:


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